Take up Your Cross, Daily, Lenten Reflection #5

The third passage of Scripture I am zeroing in on during this Lenten season is found in Mark 8: Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for… Continue reading Take up Your Cross, Daily, Lenten Reflection #5

Creation and Sin and Atheism

Friends, I have posted many thoughts about evolution and its impact on the general population of the world. I’d like to share someone else’s thoughts tonight. These thoughts concern how replacing the Creator with evolution has destroyed our understanding of sin. Consider: The basic reason why our modern Western culture has lost the concept of… Continue reading Creation and Sin and Atheism

Social Darwinism: ‘Necessary but not Sufficient’?

Friends, I have had my debates here with Darwinists and atheists. There is a great debate taking place at Uncommon Descent where BarryA has noted the Darwinian tendencies of two incidents of students shooting up their schools and killing their fellow human beings. The essay Darwin At Columbine is not a casual reading of the incident… Continue reading Social Darwinism: ‘Necessary but not Sufficient’?

On a Proper Use of Scripture

Friends, I have been discussing how one properly uses the Bible with my friend Jeff at atheocracy. He has this happy little post concerning the recent lawsuit filed by a father against the Westboro ‘Baptist’ ‘Church’ who protested his son’s funeral. Jeff seems to think that all Christians who elevate the Bible to the place… Continue reading On a Proper Use of Scripture

Tila Tequila: “Love is just love…”

Friends, In the Gospel of John, we read this story: 1But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. 2At dawn he appeared again in the temple courts, where all the people gathered around him, and he sat down to teach them. 3The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in… Continue reading Tila Tequila: “Love is just love…”

90 Days with Jesus, Day 50: John 10:22-30: Jesus the Center

John 10:22-30 22Then came the Feast of Dedication at Jerusalem. It was winter, 23and Jesus was in the temple area walking in Solomon’s Colonnade. 24The Jews gathered around him, saying, “How long will you keep us in suspense? If you are the Christ, tell us plainly.” 25Jesus answered, “I did tell you, but you do… Continue reading 90 Days with Jesus, Day 50: John 10:22-30: Jesus the Center

More Homosexual Sin Tolerated in the Church

Friends, I listened to a lecture by David Wells today, “The Disappearance of Evangelical Theology, pt 2”. It was an amazing lecture touching on many key points that have led to the demise in Evangelical Christians being taken seriously. At one point he comments about how ‘worldliness’ has managed to find a home in, of… Continue reading More Homosexual Sin Tolerated in the Church

90 Days with Jesus, Day 43: John 9:1-12: Jesus the Light of the World

John 9:1-12 As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. 2His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” 3″Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life. 4As… Continue reading 90 Days with Jesus, Day 43: John 9:1-12: Jesus the Light of the World

90 Days with Jesus: John Chapter 8: Jesus the Intolerant

Chapter 8 of John’s Gospel John chapter 8 is an incredible chapter. What’s more, what we learn about Jesus is that he was, actually, quite intolerant. As I see it, too few people want to actually listen to and read about the Jesus of the Scripture. The mantra going around nowadays is that Christians have… Continue reading 90 Days with Jesus: John Chapter 8: Jesus the Intolerant

90 Days with Jesus, Day 38: John 8:12-20: No Other Way but the Cross of Jesus

John 8:21-30 21Once more Jesus said to them, “I am going away, and you will look for me, and you will die in your sin. Where I go, you cannot come.” 22This made the Jews ask, “Will he kill himself? Is that why he says, ‘Where I go, you cannot come’?” 23But he continued, “You… Continue reading 90 Days with Jesus, Day 38: John 8:12-20: No Other Way but the Cross of Jesus