Advent Day 9: Matthew 9: The Things Jesus Says

I'm still thinking about chapter 8 to an extent–that Jesus we follow who mixes and mingles and heals people that we typically reject. Jesus didn't consider himself better than them–which is exactly how we tend to think of most people. We tend to stick with our own because it's comfortable for us. I'm not necessarily… Continue reading Advent Day 9: Matthew 9: The Things Jesus Says

Book Review: Messy Grace

Many, may years ago when I was still young, I felt I was being led to be the preacher of a certain church. I began going through all the motions–sending a resume, sample sermon, meeting families and members of the church, preaching trial sermon(s), and finally submitting to a vote of the congregation. During the… Continue reading Book Review: Messy Grace

Sometimes Christians are Just Terrible People

Jesus said a lot of things that we are aware of. Jesus said a lot of things we are not aware of. John tells us the whole world doesn't have enough books to contain all that Jesus said and did. I'm not surprised; although, I'd certainly like to have a little more. We like to… Continue reading Sometimes Christians are Just Terrible People

Things that Make Jesus Happy

I grew up believing the untenable notion that Jesus never smiled or laughed. I'm not sure why I believed such a thing. I suppose it's perhaps because there's no explicit statement in the Bible that says, "And on that occasion, Jesus laughed." But surely Jesus laughed, right? Surely this one who gives his Spirit to… Continue reading Things that Make Jesus Happy

Is Jesus into Politics? Do our American Political Opinions Really Matter?

Once upon a midnight dreary, I was enrolled in seminary. I had to write a paper once concerning whether or not Jesus ever said anything political. I don't remember everything I wrote but I do remember being marked down a grade because it was my opinion that Jesus had very little to say about politics.… Continue reading Is Jesus into Politics? Do our American Political Opinions Really Matter?

Daily Office: July 11, 2014

It's been a few days since I have written about the Daily Office. That kind of bums me out a little bit because it means I haven't been truly engaged in the Scripture as I want to be. I suppose all of us at some level have these ideas about what we should be doing… Continue reading Daily Office: July 11, 2014

500 Words Per Day: Being Loved (without conditions)

It's pretty sad when I read more about unconditional love from an author who makes no faith claims whatsoever than I do in books by authors whose sole purpose is to tell their readers about God's unconditional love. Or maybe it's not. Maybe I needed to read it some place else in order for it… Continue reading 500 Words Per Day: Being Loved (without conditions)

David Jackman on Loving other Christians

Friends, In my preparations for Sunday’s Lectionary readings, I came across this in David Jackman’s The Message of John’s Letters in the IVP The Bible Speaks Today series. The author is commenting on 1 John 4:20-21. I thought you might appreciate it: “This final ground of assurance brings us full circle back to 4:7, where… Continue reading David Jackman on Loving other Christians

Unity in the Body of Christ

Friends, I’d like to share a thought or two on the subject of Christian Unity. I am a preacher by calling, and as such, lately, I have been preaching a series of sermons to my congregation on this ever so strange idea of Christian Unity or as I prefer to call it, essential oneness. I… Continue reading Unity in the Body of Christ

Discern Your Doctrine with Love

Discern Your Doctrine (Mark Dever) Trevin Wax: What is at stake in this debate over justification? If one were to adopt Piper’s view instead of yours, what would they be missing? NT Wright: What’s missing is an insistence on Scripture itself rather than tradition . . . Kingdom People (NT Wright) or here Unfinished Christianity.)… Continue reading Discern Your Doctrine with Love

Day 11, Colossians 1:13-14: The Kingdom of the Son He Loves

The Kingdom of the Son He Loves “For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” Dunn wrote, “The implication, therefore, is not so much that the darkness has been already stripped of its… Continue reading Day 11, Colossians 1:13-14: The Kingdom of the Son He Loves