Book Review: Circle of Sovereignty

I came across this book quite by accident. I don't even remember what other resource I was reading when I saw a reference or a quote to Fewell's book. I do remember being immediately drawn to the book because I had my suspicions that it was not mere commentary on the book but true exegesis.… Continue reading Book Review: Circle of Sovereignty

Book Review: Surprised by Scripture

Title: Surprised by Scripture Author: NT Wright Publisher: HarperOne Year: 2014 Pages: 223 Anyone who has read any of my book reviews knows that NT Wright typically gets rave reviews from me–both as a lover of literature and as a Christian who loves Wright's theological perspective. Fact is, I can scarcely ever find anything in… Continue reading Book Review: Surprised by Scripture

Is Jesus into Politics? Do our American Political Opinions Really Matter?

Once upon a midnight dreary, I was enrolled in seminary. I had to write a paper once concerning whether or not Jesus ever said anything political. I don't remember everything I wrote but I do remember being marked down a grade because it was my opinion that Jesus had very little to say about politics.… Continue reading Is Jesus into Politics? Do our American Political Opinions Really Matter?

What if Jesus Treated us the Way we Treat Immigrants?

Perhaps some of you will find this short note a bit unpalatable and un-American. I hope you find it both. I have a lot of different kinds of FB friends, liberals & conservatives, christians & humanists, atheists & theists, men & women, and so on. What continues to amaze me is that it is my… Continue reading What if Jesus Treated us the Way we Treat Immigrants?

McCain, Obama & their Friends

Friends, So I was watching Hannity and Colmes last night with my wife and afterward I watched about 10 minutes of Greta. I don’t care about politics this year and I have decided that I am not voting for either Senator Obama or Senator McCain, but something came up in the course of these two… Continue reading McCain, Obama & their Friends

A Meaningless Poll of the World

Friends, I found a meaningless article at the BBC online today. Turns out that the majority of nearly 23,000 people from 17 different countries would prefer Senator Barack Obama as the next president. Well, I have a couple of thoughts on this poll. First, who cares what people around the world think of who should… Continue reading A Meaningless Poll of the World

Penn Jillette on Who Should be President

Friends, I happened across this stupid (you’ll understand in a minute why I said ‘stupid’) commentary from Penn Jillette, magician, comedian, actor, author and producer (should tell us all we need to know about his opinion and why he is ‘qualified’ to write this op-ed for CNN), that I had hoped would prove to me that many of the folks… Continue reading Penn Jillette on Who Should be President

The Church and the ‘Battle for America’

Friends, This past week I posted the following essay at I have been thinking hard on this subject of how the church ‘fits’ into America, the church’s role in politics, etc. I’m not through thinking about this because there is more to it than this simple post. A great help on this subject has… Continue reading The Church and the ‘Battle for America’

The Evolution of Mankind: Great Apes, the Right to Life, Abortion on Demand

Friends, What is strange about this post is NOT the content per se, but the seriousness of the quotations attributed to certain people, the seriousness with which people are approaching this issue, the pride people are taking in the decision of the Spanish parliament. Spanish parliament to extend rights to apes I can only hope… Continue reading The Evolution of Mankind: Great Apes, the Right to Life, Abortion on Demand

Something I don’t Understand: Please Help Me Senator Obama!!

Friends, Here I will confess my ignorance. In this story from Christian Post, I learned that presidential hopeful, Barak Hussein Obama worshipped today at the Apostolic Church of God in (I guess) Chicago. CHICAGO (AP) – Barack Obama celebrated Father’s Day by calling on black fathers, who he said are “missing from too many lives… Continue reading Something I don’t Understand: Please Help Me Senator Obama!!

To My Good Friend Jeff the Atheist: Jesus Does Vote!!

Friends, I am continuing my quest to post once per day during the month of June which will be difficult when I’m on vacation, but I will do my best. Today was a long day: Worship in the AM, then some NASCAR, then nearly 5 miles of walking, then yard work, then I built a bird-feeder… Continue reading To My Good Friend Jeff the Atheist: Jesus Does Vote!!

Christians and Politics

Friends, Should Christians be involved in politics? Well, I suppose that depends on what one means by ‘be involved’. We are necessarily involved in politics if we vote in any election. So, at least at this barest minimum, yes: we should be involved in politics. Here’s part of a conversation concerning this issue: Dr. Frank… Continue reading Christians and Politics

Barak Obama’s Speech: ‘Stop Telling the Truth about My Associates’

**Warning: Political rant ahead. You have been warned.**  Friends, Many of you have no doubt seen the recent tirade by the preacher at Barak Obama’s home ‘church.’ I won’t replay it here. You can see it here. Anyhow, Mr Obama has been answering a lot of really tough questions about this ‘sermon’ that Mr Jeremiah Wright… Continue reading Barak Obama’s Speech: ‘Stop Telling the Truth about My Associates’

The Sooner the Better: On Senators and Investigations

Friends, I have been somewhat following this story of Senator Grassley’s investigations into the likes of Creflo Dollar, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland and the rest of those preachers of the ‘gospel according to Wall Street.’ I am happy to see that the Senator is making some progress. I was also interested that the story reports… Continue reading The Sooner the Better: On Senators and Investigations

What Should ‘Pastors’ Preach During Election Times

Friends, This article is posted at Christian Post: Pastors Encouraged to Preach on Political Issues During Primaries. Said the article: “Pastors should throw away the muzzles that some wish to impose on them and replace them with megaphones,” asserted Mathew Staver, founder of Liberty Counsel, in a statement. “It was sermons of pastors that fueled the… Continue reading What Should ‘Pastors’ Preach During Election Times