Book Review: God for the Rest of Us

Can you imagine if Karl Barth sat down to write Church Dogmatics and began with an exceptional account of how wrecked his life has been by sin, how disturbed his family is/was, and other unsavory and sordid details of his confusion, pain, and suffering and then told us the story of how God redeemed it,… Continue reading Book Review: God for the Rest of Us

Forgiveness & Conditions

We have been discussing a particular passage from Matthew's Gospel on Sunday mornings in Bible School. It's from chapter 18 and if the subheading in my TNIV is correct this passage deals (exclusively?) with 'Dealing with sin in the church.' If this passage does in fact lay out conditions for how to deal with sin… Continue reading Forgiveness & Conditions

Being a Christian Means…

I went to Sunday School this past Sunday for the first time in a long, long time. I also stayed for worship and was delighted that at the end of the two hours or so I was in the building the roof managed to stay attached to whatever the roof is attached to. In other… Continue reading Being a Christian Means…

The Daily Office: June 22, 2010

The readings for June 22, 2010 are as follows: Numbers 16.20-35, Romans 4.1-12, Psalm 94, Matthew 19.23-20. What I hope to do is provide a thought or two on the daily readings as a means of keeping myself accountable to the daily practice of reading from the Scripture. Numbers 16.20-35 In the early days of… Continue reading The Daily Office: June 22, 2010

A Word to the Sinners Among Us

“For all have sinned, and fallen short of the glory of God…” Paul to the Romans, chapter 3, verse 23 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life…” John the Apostle, chapter the third, 16th verse. Today,… Continue reading A Word to the Sinners Among Us

Being Dad: Bouncing on Beds

Friends, Several years ago I wrote a book-length series of devotions that, at the time, I sent around to everyone in my email address book. All of the devotionals were based on my experiences as a dad to three boys (the oldest of which, at the time, was 10; he is now 15.) I never… Continue reading Being Dad: Bouncing on Beds

Learning to Live by Grace *Updated*

Friends, Here are some thoughts on grace. I just cannot believe, at times, how abundant God’s grace is. Strangely enough, I think it is the church many times that is most afraid of this grace. My prayer is that the church will learn grace not only saves but that it empowers us to live freely. Too… Continue reading Learning to Live by Grace *Updated*

90 Days with Jesus, Day 90: John 21:15-25: Loving, Living, and Following Jesus

John 21:15-25 (90 Days with Jesus, Day 90) When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you truly love me more than these?” “Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.” Again Jesus said, “Simon son of John, do you truly… Continue reading 90 Days with Jesus, Day 90: John 21:15-25: Loving, Living, and Following Jesus

Dana Jacobson & Forgiveness & Christians Protesting

Friends, I have been hearing this story about the ESPN personality who evidently forgot her lines. I read this at Christian Post: Christian groups protested ESPN last week when they felt it was slow to take disciplinary action against Jacobson for her anti-Christian tirade on Jan. 11 at a roast in Atlantic City, N.J. There,… Continue reading Dana Jacobson & Forgiveness & Christians Protesting

90 Days with Jesus, Day 87: John 20:11-23: Jesus’ Message

John 20:11-23 (90 Days with Jesus, Day 87) But Mary stood outside the tomb crying. As she wept, she bent over to look into the tomb and saw two angels in white, seated where Jesus’ body had been, one at the head and the other at the foot. They asked her, “Woman, why are you… Continue reading 90 Days with Jesus, Day 87: John 20:11-23: Jesus’ Message

Message of Grace: Luke 5:17-26

Friends, here is an offering. I haven’t been posting much lately because I have been terribly busy reading for my seminary classes. I still need to finish those posts from the 90 Days with Jesus series. This sermon is about grace and will be/has been preached to my congregation December 9, 2007. I hope you are blessed.–jerry  Luke… Continue reading Message of Grace: Luke 5:17-26